
A woman smiling

Vanessa Lewis

Before Vanessa graduated with a degree in fashion business, she began working with fashion designers, retailers, and events to help elevate a cohesive experience in the new digital world by creating a social presence during the very early days of social media, developing brand and marketing communications strategies, leading PR opportunities and planning events. She also freelance wrote for various fashion publications.


As she relocated back to the prairies, Vanessa expanded her marketing experience by working at an international, award-winning advertising agency where she learned how an advertising agency runs and the many departments that come together in creating successful campaigns! Afterward, she further honed her marketing communications skills by working at a boutique marketing communications agency where she began as a communications assistant before becoming a digital advisor where she planned and managed various marketing communications projects including those with a heavy focus on digital.


Next, Vanessa began working in-house on the marketing and communications team for a nationally known non-profit where she managed and oversaw social media for nine accounts for three separate brands and managed digital crisis communications. In addition, she was the marketing and communications (M&C) lead for many signature and partnership events, and programs including Wheels for Wellness and Children’s Miracle Network/Canada’s Children Hospital Foundations. As the M&C lead, Vanessa led PR opportunities and wrote numerous email newsletters and other marketing materials. She returned to the agency world by working for a boutique marketing agency as a digital strategist where she managed social media for many clients, created digital strategies, and collaborated with all departments in bringing a client’s digital vision to life. She furthered her career at an international advertising agency as a digital strategist where she managed digital communications such as social media, email marketing, SEO, and more for a variety of clients.

Today, Vanessa leads the marketing strategy for a global manufacturer and retailer in the health & wellness space.